Crafting an Intuitive Publications Hub for NZ Birds
Crafting an Intuitive Publications Hub for NZ Birds
User-friendly platform optimising access to NZ Birds' scholarly content.
Xequals delivered a user-friendly platform optimising access to NZ Birds' scholarly content.
With an outdated database, NZ Birds needed to improve access to its three scholarly publications for members. The existing system lacked critical features for usability.
NZ Birds sought an intuitive, responsive platform to showcase its publications. Required features included robust search filters, social sharing capabilities, and optimization for mobile devices.
Leveraging WordPress, Xequals built a tailored hub featuring powerful search, social media integrations, and location-based browsing via interactive maps. The result is an engaging scholarly resource.
The new NZ Birds platform delivers seamless access to critical ornithology research through user-friendly design. Members can now easily find, share, and explore relevant publications. By partnering with Xequals, NZ Birds gained a modern hub advancing their mission to build ornithological knowledge.